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Active Friends Collage_edited

Programs and Projects

In addition to seasonal workdays, annual picnics and carol singing, a monthly Book Club and other short-term projects, Exeter Meeting gathers frequently to knit our separate families together into a finer fabric.


Friendly 8's & Potlucks

We gather for a post worship potluck meal and fellowship on the first Sunday of each month and several times each year gather in each other's homes to share a meal and friendship.  The general confines of our Sunday worship is enriched as we share our stories while breaking bread together.

Potlucks and Friendly 8's

Opportunity House

Exeter Friends volunteer to prepare and serve a hot meal to the residents of Opportunity House on the second Tuesday of each month.  Food preparation begins at 5:30 p.m. and the meal is served at 7:00 to between 35 and 75 individuals who are in transition. Contact Exeter's Clerk to learn more about this  community building project.

the chefs and the servers
Opportunity House logo with link
Our work at Opportunity House
Friends gathered for morning discussion

Pre-worship Discussions

Most first-days (Sundays) we gather about an hour before worship and raise a topic for discussion.  It may help us learn more about our traditions or challenge us to apply our religious principles to social concerns or issues of the day.  We may also examine our faith and practice by wrestling with and answering queries, or invite guest speakers to broaden our understanding of the world and others.

Our Pre-worship forums
Our monthly book club

Sacred Harp Singers gather at our meetinghouse twice each month to sing from the "Sacred Harp" and is included on our Meeting calendar as a courtesy to this non-denominational group.

This four-part a capella hymn singing originated in colonial times when organs and other instruments

were unavailable to smaller congregations. 

Singers meet at our meetinghouse the 3rd & 4th Sundays of each month

from 5:30-8:00 p.m.


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